Nelson Mandela Day 2022 - Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital

Probe IMT visited the Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital based in Coronationville. The hospital was opened in October 1944 & was renamed “Rahima Moosa”, who was an anti-apartheid activist. Initially established for people classified as Coloured and Indian, the hospital now offers obstetrics and gynaecology to women from all walks of life. The hospital has 6 paediatric wards. It was an honour and a privilege to tour 2 of the paediatric wards & interact with moms, babies & hospital staff, who seem to work tirelessly to ensure comfort for moms & babies. As holders of human rights and fundamental freedoms, we as individuals, have the duty and responsibility to respect the dignity of others. It is with this in mind that we encourage society to build the nation of collective dreams. We call upon all individuals to be at the forefront of building strong communities and family units. Remember: Responsible people build strong foundations & families & are actively involved in making their communities better.
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